• A HISTORIC FIRST: First ordination in the New York Oratory of Saint Philip Neri
    Deacon Steve on a family photo with Bishop Massa and other priests after his Diaconate Ordination
    8 WIPE
    A HISTORIC FIRST: First ordination in the New York Oratory of Saint Philip Neri Deacon Steve on a family photo with Bishop Massa and other priests after his Diaconate Ordination READ MORE https://nyoratory.org/photoalbums/deacon-steve-ordination _blank
    Saint Philip Neri Feast day: A family Celebration Read more https://nyoratory.org/news/saint-philip-neri-feast-day _blank
    ORATORY WEDNESDAY MEETING Oratorians meets in person for the first time since the pandemic with social distancing Read more https://nyoratory.org/news/the-oratory-meets-in-person-for-the-first-time-since-covid-19pandemic _blank
    Ribbon Cutting at Studio Torok COVID-19 has now created situations where remote learning is more commonplace and necessary than ever. Read more https://nyoratory.org/news/dedication-and-ribbon-cutting-at-studio-torok _blank
    WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN US? BECOME ORATORIAN PRIEST To become priest can only come from Jesus. If you are inspired and consider a priestly vocation, realized that you can be priest in association with a diocese, a religious order, or a community of apostolic life. Consider the option to become priest of St. Philip Neri Oratory in New York. We offer a unique spirit of friendship. You will not be alone on your journey of serving Jesus as a priest. Please contact the provost on [email protected] or [email protected] Read more https://nyoratory.org/news/would-you-like-to-join-us _blank
    AGGREGATION OF FR JOSEPH TO THE NY ORATORY On Wednesday, October 7th, 2020 Fr Joseph Ravi Narisetty was aggregated as a full member of the New York Oratory of St Philip Neri. Read more https://nyoratory.org/news/aggregation-of-fr-joseph-narisseti _blank
    A FAMILY MINISTRY In our ministry, we support people of different ages where we are assigned. We provide spiritual care to the Slovak community and families in the local area.