In a joyous ceremony on Sunday, October 13th, 2024, at the 10:30 AM Mass, the Church of Saint Paul in Congers witnessed a significant milestone in the journey of seminarian Jay Maldonado. Most Reverend James Massa, Ph.D., D.D., Auxiliary Bishop and Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, instituted Maldonado as an acolyte. more
Reverend Father Stephen Michael Neier Ordination to Priesthood at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, New York on May 27, 2023Reverend Father Stephen Michael Neier was ordained to the Priesthood at the majestic Saint Patrick's Cathedral. The atmosphere was steeped in reverence, joy, and anticipation. His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, presided over the ceremony, adding a heightened layer of sanctity and inspiration. Read More about the Ordination
His Eminence Anthony Cardinal Poola Archbishop of Hyderabad India celebrated Mass on Saturday October 8, 2022 at 11:00am at St. Ann's Church. This was in thanksgiving to God after his elevation. The New York oratory of Saint Philip Neri has members originated from India and some of them from the Diocese of Hyderabad that he leads as Archibishop. It was a great time of communion with the Oratory Family in Rockland County and the Indian Community around. More Photos of the Visit
The New York Oratory of St. Philip Neri is a young religious community. It was formally established in 2007, and all of its members — both its founders and those who have arrived since then — had already been ordained as priests. Deacon Steve is the first one ever to be directly ordained as a New York Oratorian of St. Philip Neri. Click here for more photos
The first Oratory in the United States was founded in Rock Hill, South Carolina, in 1934.[10] The ministry of the Rock Hill Oratorians has long included campus ministry at Winthrop University and prison visitation at the Moss detention center in York County.
New York Oratory of St Philip Neri joyfully announces the ordination of Br. Steven Michael Peter Neier. C.O to the Sacred Order of Deacon through the Imposition of Hands and the Invocation of the Holy spirit by The most Reverend James Massa, Ph,D. The celebration will take place on Sunday 17th, 2022 at 11.30 am St Ann Church. Keep Br. Steve in your Prayer and you are welcome to join in prayer on that day.